
Richard Berendsen works as a data engineer in the area of Amsterdam. Reach him by his first name at this domain.

In november 2015 he defended his dissertation, which was finished under supervision of prof. Maarten de Rijke: "Finding people, papers, and posts: vertical search algorithms and evaluation". A PDF download is available at If you would like to cite it, one possible citation style could be:

Berendsen, R.W. (2015) Finding people, papers, and posts: vertical search algorithms and evaluation. Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam.

If you would like to cite an individual chapter, you can use the following style for a chapter from a book with one author (the example is for Chapter 4, Result disambiguation in people search):

Berendsen, R.W. (2015) Result disambiguation in people search. Finding people, papers, and posts: vertical search algorithms and evaluation (pp 53-69). Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam.

The dissertation is based on five scientific publications in conferences and journals. For these and other scientific publications see or You can cite these peer reviewed publications as well, of course. For your reference, you can still consult the dissertation chapters as well; they contain some minor improvements and clarifications, and the dissertation includes an introduction, background chapter and discussion that puts the findings in a somewhat broader perspective. Get in touch if you'd like to receive a hard-copy, they are still in limited supply.
